Monday, October 27, 2008


Well, I missed my Friday weigh-in.  Something came up and I had to be gone for most of the day so I couldn't go.  I went this morning instead.  Let me just preface this by saying that it was NOT a great food weekend.  I didn't overeat... I just didn't eat like I was supposed to.  So the bottom line is that I am only down 1 lb.  But, I will take that.  At least it wasn't a gain!  I have to go back Friday.  Hopefully my numbers will be better then!


Mrs. Chief said...

a pound is still a pound...:-)

Giddy-Up said...

I'm with Aimee!!! Slow and steady wins the race! Pardon the cliche!

Beth E. said...

Find something in your kitchen that weighs a pound, and pick it up. I think losing a pound is definite progress! You look great.

Beth E. said...

RESIST the DF Oreos, girlfriend, RESIST! After the major indigestion I had from eating them, I can definitely say that they aren't worth it! Keep up the good work. I'm very envious of you, ya know! :o) said...

Hey - one pound is better then up!!!!! You are doing great. :)