Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hard Times

Why does loosing weight have to be so stinkin' hard?  This week so far has NOT been a good week for me.  I have fallen off the wagon a few times.  Sometimes, I just get so tired of constantly thinking about what I am eating, what I have to eat later, how much of it to eat, blah, blah blattity blah blah blah!!!  Let's recount the bad (only because occasionally I like to relive the past)
1 piece of gluton free chocolate cake. (this tasted like straight fudge.  like the chocolate layer in the middle of an ice cream cake from DQ. *yummo*)
chips and salsa from mexican resturant
quesadilla from same resturant
and the worst was last night we ate at a family cookout and everything was FRIED!! Not to mention biscuits and grits and caramel cake.  OUCH!!  Straight from my lips to my hips, and butt, and thighs, and arms...

So, when I go for my weigh-in on Friday, I am just hoping to break even.  No loss or gain!  Thankfully, I have caught up with the wagon I fell off from and am back on! Whew!!


Heather @ Home said...

You are doing great! Everyone falls of the wagon every now and then...the important thing is that you got back on. Keep up the good work!

Jen said...

Hang in there! I just found your blog on OSB and I have really enjoyed reading. I am on a journey of my own....but struggling! I loved your posts about turning to GOD instead of food.

Fat Jeans said...

We all have our bad days (or weeks). You are an inspiration! I hope to follow in your footsteps.

Anonymous said...

Oy, I'm trying to lose weight too...I've had two pregnancies and two miscarriages in the past 6 months, so my weight has gone to heck. I started a few weeks ago with working out again, but the trying to eat healthy thing is a bit harder for me! My weakness is lime tostitos in salsa and sour cream!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

I can relate with this so much.. My struggle to loose the weight post kids has been a battle...

I had such a bad food week last week, it is so nice to relate to others..